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'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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Vanni Institute of Technology -Convocation

Fifty two students who have completed a one year course in the Vanni Institute of Technology since inauguration 2003, had their convocation today 8th of August 2004 in a well attended ceremony presided over by Siva Gobal, president of Vanni Institute of Technology.

Mr.S.P Tamilselvan, Head of the LTTE Political Wing who was the gust of honour, congratulated the passing out graduates.

Excerpts from his speech:

'While congratulating those graduates who are passing out today after an year of intensive training, I wish to call upon you to give your maximum gained in this course to the welfare of the Tamil nation which has witnessed a devastating war of two decades. The Tamil Nation needs the support and initiative of people like you to upgrade the standard and pattern of learning in the field of technology. Please understand that your brethrens who migrated to locations all over the world due to anti Tamil communal riots and marginalization in the field of education and social advancement, have always remembered and continue to contribute to the rebuilding of their motherland. It is such an initiative taken by the Tamil Technical Professionals' Organization that has helped to make this venture a success.'

Professor S.Mohanathas, Vice Chancellor of the Jaffna University in his chief guest address welcomed the initiatives of this private institute. He further said that the Jaffna University is already loaded to capacity in accommodating any further disciplines and it is high time therefore that, urgent steps be taken to begin a university in the Vanni.

Vanni Institute of Technology has a noble mission that includes,

" Bringing together technical professionals around the world.
" Development of advanced technology in Northeast.
" Helping the Northeast region to be technically par with developed countries.
" Providing resources for advanced technology education and generate high-tech work force.
" Facilitating local and global private ventures in high-tech arenas to increase employment.

The immediate goal of the founders is to build a permanent compass on its own land and make the 9 months program in the two year degree one. It would eventually become an institution that offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in numerous disciplines.


08 August 2004

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