Fishermen attacked in Mullaithivu sea
On 25 June fisherarmen in the Mullaithivu seas were attacked by the Sri Lankan Navy.
The fishermen went to sea collect the nets they have cast the previous day. When they were attacked the fishermen rushed back to the shore. They attempted to collect their nets again because the nets are a very costly item which the poor fishermen cannot afford to lose. However, when they neared their nets they saw the Sri Lankan Navy leaving with the nets the fishermen had cast. Such theft of fishermen’s equipment has been a good source of income for the Sri Lankan Navy for decades. It is an easy theft because there are no other witnesses in the sea, especially after dark which is the traditional fishing time. One traveler injured by SLA shelling towards Puliyankulam border checkpoint One traveler was injured when Sri Lankan military targeted the Puliyankulam southern border checkpoint of the LTTE with artillery fire yesterday, Wednesday at 12.30pm. Many travelers at the checkpoint waiting to go to Vavuniya from Vanni and to come to Vanni from Vavuniya were put in danger by this shelling. Eleven preschools in Manthai east division stopped functioning due to shelling Eleven preschools in the Manthai East AGA Division have stopped functioning because of displacement caused by shelling by the Sri Lankan military stationed in Vavuniya, affecting 275 preschoolers.
27 June 2008