Voices at the Trincomalee Tamil uprising event
Some of the voices heard at the Trincomalee Tamil uprising
event held on Saturday 22nd of October include that of
Muslims, Buddhist monks, Clergy and Educationalists. Here is
a sample.
 Sakul Hameethu, a former principal and a Muslim
representative: “Tamil speaking people must come together. The mistakes of
our political leaders have split us. We can achieve the
rights of the Tamil speaking people only when our two ethnic
groups join together. This country is facing an ethnic
problem. However, successive government have been interested
in only fulfilling their desires. Their actions were not
aimed at giving the rights to the people whose rights have
been denied.” Rev Fr Annathas, parish priest, Uvarmalai church, and head
of Trincomalee district diocese: “Mother Tamil is shedding tears. They are not drying. They
must dry. For that the guns must be silenced. Shadow wars
must come to a stop. Man can live without million but he cannot live without
goal. Man without goal is same as a corpse. We have the
historic duty to add our voice to achieve the rights of our
people. We are here today to full fill that duty. I am here in front of you on behalf of the Catholic people,
representing Bishop of Trincomalee-Batticaloa, Kingsley
Swamipillai, and also as a Tamil. I like to particularly mention the condemnation put forward
here, of the hurried one-sided ban by the EU on the LTTE and
on their travel.” Buddhist monk, Tharmaratna Thero is the first ever Buddhist
monk to take part in a Tamil uprising event. Speaking first
in Sinhala and then in Tamil he said, “I am standing here as son of Lord Buddha. In my heart I
carry the five great principles taught by him. I do not
carry anger, jealousy, hatred, stubbornness or desire for
war. All Tamils living in Trincomalee are my relatives. For
all those who live according to Lord Buddha’s teachings
everyone in the world is a relative. Tragically today some
Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka are not living according to Lord
Buddha’s teachings. They have lost the good practices of not lying, not
stealing, not drinking alcohol, and not getting involved in
quarrels. Some of those who call themselves Buddhist are not
prepared to give up many of the things Lord Buddha asked us
to give up. I do not consider this uprising event to be against Buddhist
religion or the Sinhala race. That is why I have agreed to
take part in it. The past and present government of this country did not rule
it according to Buddhist dharma. Instead they are acting
like senseless mad people. The country is suffering for
their misdeeds. The basic cause of the ethnic problem is the
failure to act according to Buddhist dharma. The blood of us all is red. There is no difference in that
for Tamils and Sinhalese.” Retired educationalist K Thangarasa who presided the event: “Why are the Tamil uprising events taking place in
Vavuniya, Jaffna, Mullaitivu, Batticaloa, and today in
Trincomalee. We are here demanding the right to self determination on the
land of our forefathers. We have lost thousands of lives to
achieve this. We are not prepared to loose this right. It
is to announce this to Sri Lanka and the international
community including the EU that we are gathered here today. We have not gathered against the Sri Lanka state or the Sri
Lankan military. We are here to announce loudly our rights.
We will keep announcing this until our rights are ours. We are strong and fast. We must also be wise. If the Tamil
speaking people, Tamils and Muslims, will come together
under one leader and one flag our struggle will become
easier. If that happens victory will definitely be ours”
24 October 2005