CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

 2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003 

 Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec 

01.10.2005  “LTTE is the buffer that protects the Tamil National soul from destruction”
01.10.2005  International Childrens’ Day in the Tamil Homeland
02.10.2005  Jaffna University Students Union warns return to war if EU retains the ban on travel for LTTE
02.10.2005  “EU should review its decision in the interest of peace”
03.10.2005  Tamil Uprising in Trincomalee
03.10.2005  How is it possible?
05.10.2005  Tamil Homeland commemorates martyrdom of 12 fighters
06.10.2005  “Top priority of the day is sincere implementation of the CFA”
07.10.2005  Human Rights Expert Ian Martin to meet with LTTE
07.10.2005  Environment Protection Week in the NorthEast
08.10.2005  LTTE request SLMM to take stock of the grave situation, act resolutely to end the cycle of violence
10.10.2005  Tamil Eelam Women’s Day commemorating Malathy’s Martyrdom
10.10.2005  TamilEelam Women's Day
10.10.2005  “WFP is doing a valuable service to war and Tsunami affected people”
11.10.2005  Navy attacks fishermen at sea
11.10.2005  Sabotage attempt on LTTE convoy in Batticaloa foiled
11.10.2005  UNICEF and LTTE agree to review Action Plan
13.10.2005  “We stand committed to commence political discussions on CFA”
13.10.2005  LTTE solicits Ian Martin’s continued advice on Human Rights
14.10.2005  New military camp inside the Trincomalee Technical College.
14.10.2005  “Government holds the responsibility to maintain law and order in their control areas”
14.10.2005  Post –tsunami humanitarian delivery review meeting of INGOO
17.10.2005  Tamils are frustrated by the peace politics
18.10.2005  Gun men shot LTTE members father in Batticaloa
18.10.2005  Fishermen protest against SL Navy harassment in Valikamam
21.10.2005  SLAF Unmanned aircraft spying in Wanni impacts the spirit of the CFA
21.10.2005  “ SL Military’s negligence contributes to the killings in Jaffna”
21.10.2005  Ten schools in Thenmaradchy Military High Security Zones not functioning
21.10.2005  “Hands off our educational activities”
22.10.2005  “Tell us what happened to our children”
22.10.2005  “Quit Tamil Homeland”
24.10.2005  Voices at the Trincomalee Tamil uprising event
25.10.2005  No actions for resettlement petitions
26.10.2005  Officials connected to Bindunuweva Massacre receive promotion instead of penalty
26.10.2005  Sinhalese occupy Tamil-owned Amparai property
27.10.2005  LTTE cadre attains martyrdom
27.10.2005  Grenade explodes at Tamil National Resurgence Committee’s compound in Vavuniya
27.10.2005  Tamil community leaders and academics from Europe meet with EU representatives
27.10.2005  Bindunuwewa Massacre, Sri Lanka’s Human Rights record Façade torn asunder
28.10.2005  “Distinct Tamil identity, lost sovereignty and Traditional Homeland”
28.10.2005  Sri Lankan Army denies 150 Tamil youth to attend conference in Vavuniya
28.10.2005  NESOHR conducts human rights workshop
28.10.2005  Sri Lankan Army denies more than 150 Tamil youth to attend conference in Vavuniya
28.10.2005  Tamils returning from Vavuniya conference stopped and harassed by SLA at Omanthai checkpoint
28.10.2005  SLA soldiers attempt rape in Puthur, protestors assaulted
28.10.2005  “Interact effectively with the SriLankan government to control military harrassment”
29.10.2005  Sri Lankan military occupy school’s perimeter
29.10.2005  Armed men in military uniform threaten Tamil young men to leave Colombo
29.10.2005  SLA fire gunshots at protesters in Puthur, one civilian dead
29.10.2005  SLA illegally excavates limestone from private property
30.10.2005  Armed group killers do it again in Batticaloa, One LTTE member killed
31.10.2005  SLA enters civilian homes wearing balaclava and carrying guns
31.10.2005  Presidential Commission of Inquiry accepts SLMM recommendation on military supported armed groups
31.10.2005  Views of the Oslo professor and further views related to it