LTTE request SLMM to take stock of the grave situation, act resolutely to end the cycle of violence
Mr. S.P.Tamilselvan, Head of LTTE political wing, requested SLMM to take stock of the grave situation, act resolutely to end the cycle of violence and help to save innocent lives and the integrity of the CFA, in a letter send to the Head of SLMM yesterday, 07 October 2005.
Extracts from his letter as fallows, “Our organization and the Tamil people in general are seriously perturbed over the unabatedly increasing acts of violence and killings in military occupied areas. The patterns of increase points to a systematically planned and timed orchestration to discredit the LTTE. It is relevant to point out that these acts of violence are taking place more frequently after we pulled back our members engaged in political work in those areas for reasons of security. We have no doubt that there is a political agenda behind these acts, meticulously planned to apportion the blame on our organization. Political vendetta has seemingly reached its climax in that, innocent people are targeted for assassination and given a political connection with this group or that with a reputation for being opposed to LTTE. Without recourse to proper investigations and introducing an effective crime prevention methodology, more so in the light of the CFA provision relating to activities of armed groups, the government and the military spokespersons are engaged in a mud-slinging campaign against the LTTE. As a committed party to the CFA, we strongly reject the allegations and would fervently urge the SLMM to meaningfully intervene within its parameters vis-à-vis clause 1.8 of the CFA and the open violation committed by the SLA and the hirelings who carry out these despicable acts for their political masters. Violence and killings increasing to an alarming proportion, especially during a cease-fire period, is a matter for serious concern to all parties sincerely interested in peace and a peaceful presidential election. While assuring you of our co-operation to curb violence, we regret that our capability in this respect is very much limited since the areas in which these killings and violence take place are fully under the control of the occupying Sri Lankan military and our law and order code is not operative in clearly demarcated GoSL controlled areas. We request of you in earnest that the SLMM take stock of the grave situation, act resolutely to end this cycle of violence and help save innocent lives and the integrity of the CFA.”
08 October 2005