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CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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“Hands off our educational activities”

-Jaffna Central Students Union warns EPDP

“We will not permit EPDP and its stooges to hijack our educational pursuits for their political propaganda” said the Advanced Level Students Union of the Jaffna Central College in a statement issued yesterday relative to the sabotage attempts of the EPDP and the Sri Lankan Military in pursuading students to continue with their protest demonstrations in connection with the killing of Mr.K.Rajadurai, Principal, Jaffna Central College.


“Students are advised not to fall into the political trap of the traitorous political elements that are trying to sabotage the national efforts for peace through negotiations. EPDP members who attended the funeral with military protection insisted on the students handing over the coffin to them, which they had planned to be taken to the SLMM office and exhibit in a demonstration. The students refused to comply with this stating that they don’t want to become prey to political machinations of the EPDP. Demonstrations were over with the funderal and when the students returned back to school yesterday, EPDP activists presurrised them to continue with the demonstration and went on distributing subversive pamphlets.

Spurious pamphlets are being posted everywhere that students are to continue the protest whereas, we strongly object to this sabotage attempt to disrupt our educational pursuits for the sake of EPDP’s political image building. We will continue with our studies while at the same time contributing to the national freedom struggle.”

21 October 2005

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