Grenade explodes at Tamil National Resurgence Committee’s compound in Vavuniya
Two unidentified men lobbed a hand grenade into the compound of the Tamil National Resurgence Committee at approximately 4:30 p.m. on October 26. Eyewitnesses said the attackers escaped the grounds on a motorbike.
Members of the committee and Vavuniya residents were in the process of organizing an event, to be held on October 27, to promote the Vavuniya Proclamation. The Proclamation demands the Sri Lankan military to vacate Northeast. Tamils and committee members also aimed to gain recognition from the international community to exemplify the immense support the Tamil civilians hold for the Vavuniya Proclamation. Tamil National Alliance (TNA) member Mr. Sivasathianandan and members of the Tamil National Resurgence Committee visited the site after the incident. In spite of the incident, committee members and Tamil residents followed their determination to carry on with the event and resumed preparation. This was the second time an event was held to advocate the Vavuniya Proclamation. At the first event that took place on July 27, two hand grenades exploded.
27 October 2005