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'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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Jaffna University Students Union warns return to war if EU retains the ban on travel for LTTE

Jaffna University Students union has issued a statement warning resumption of war unless EU re-examines and removes its travel of LTTE members. Their statement further said,

The decision of the EU has shocked the Tamil people.

The Sri Lankan government has been trying hard to stop the truth about, the struggle of the Tamil people and the enormity of the government’s human rights violations reaching the international community. It enacted laws and placed restrictions on our ability to inform the international community. As a result, international community, unable to fully appraise the situation, has in the past banned our sole representatives the LTTE as terrorists. It is to overcome this and to inform the international community about our just struggle and to show them that LTTE is our sole representatives that we the University community launched the first Pongu Thamil event in 2001. It is because the Tamil people have held series of similar Pongu Thamil events wherever they lived and because of the military victories of the LTTE that the opportunity for the ceasefire was created.

The government suspecting that the LTTE members will be able to travel around the world and inform the international community about our just struggle has tried in various ways to force the Tamil side to withdraw from the peace process. It failed to implement the ceasefire agreements and colluded with paramilitaries to murder LTTE members who were doing political work.

We have informed the international community the disinterest of the government in the peace process. People are gathering district by district in unprecedented numbers to request the international community to understand the Vavuniya declaration and act accordingly.

The European Union’s failure to hear our appeal for our rights and instead placing their confidence in the false propaganda of the government and ban our sole representatives has shocked us. We the Jaffna University Student’s Union on behalf of the Tamil people appeal to the EU to,

-understand our just struggle for our rights,

-understand the enormity of the human rights violations committed by the government on the Tamil people and

-remove the one sided ban on our sole representatives, the LTTE, who are fighting for our rights.

The failure by the EU to change its stance of accepting the State terrorism of the government will shake the already questionable ceasefire and create an environment for the resumption of war.

02 October 2005

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