Environment Protection Week in the NorthEast
Volunteer service in full swing – Environ Protection Authority takes the lead
The Environment Protection Authority functioning under the LTTE’s Planning and Development Secretariat (PDS) has declared an Environment Protection Week commencing today 7 October 2005. Programmes to educate people on the importance of our environment and the necessity to conserve natural resources without pollution are to be conducted throughout the week ending 13 October 2005.
Volunteers from government sectors, NGO community, Tamils Rehabilitation Organization (TRO), Tamil Eelam Police, LTTE cadres, students and general public were actively engaged in clearing Kilinochchi urban area from polythene and other waste that could harm the environment. 
A joint effort is on in the entire NorthEast to bring about nature consciousness among the people and make children the primary stakeholders as future citizens. Commercial institutions are being advised to refrain from using polythene that tends to pollute the earth.
07 October 2005