Appeal court halts the order of Trincomalee courts in the Buddha statue issue
The appeal court in Colombo has halted the order by the judge in the Trincomalee courts to remove the Buddha statue installed illegally in a public place. The appeal court issued the order after making the decision to hear the appeal submitted by the auto drivers association.
The order by the Trincomalee courts to remove the statue has been ignored until now and instead military protection has been given to the statue. Following massive protest by the
Tamil people two of President Kumaratunge's ministers promised to take action to remove the statue. President was to have met the Trincomalee Tamil people's consortium to discuss this issue but the meeting was cancelled in the last minute. The appeal court has given the order to halt the order by the Trincomalee judge until the hearing of the appeal by the auto drivers union by the appeal courts on June 30th. The
appeal court has ordered Trincomalee assistant inspector of police and other related officers to be present for the hearing on June 30th. The appeal by the auto drivers union has asked the appeal court to rule that the order by the Trincomalee court will harm the growth of Buddhist religion and that the Trincomalee judge has no authority make such an order and
that this order is against the law.
18 June 2005