“Restored ancestral Tamil-Muslim affinity and solidarity is the need of the time”
-Batti-Amparai Muslim CBO’s“Tamils and Muslims, principally by virtue of their mother tongue and historical habitation of the East with togetherness, have a commonality when it comes to sharing power and enjoying freedom with equality in this island and therefore we must make use of this opportunity of restored ancestral Tamil-Muslim affinity and solidarity that has been achieved now to strengthen the ties between the two communities” said Mr.Abdul Jawath, Vice President, Federation of Mosques and Muslim Institutions, Kattankudy in a meeting today 14 Feb 2005 with the Head of the LTTE Political Division and other senior commanders at Kokkaticholai in Batticaloa.
 Muslim religious heads and representatives from Muslim Civilian Based Organisations from Oddamavadi, Valaichenai, Eravur, Batticaloa, Kattankudy, Nintavur, Sammanthurai, Kalmunai and Amparai participated in this meeting at the LTTE District Political Office in Kokkatticholai, presided over by the Head of the LTTE Batticaloa-Amparai division Mr. Marshall. In his opening address, Mr.Marshall traced the events during the post-tsunami period when the then Head of the LTTE Batti-Amparai division Mr.Kaushalyan was fostering unity between the two communities and bring them together to face the challenges before them on account of the tsunami impact and lamented that such a leader has been targeted by elements that are opposed to Tamil-Muslim unity. Mr.S.P.Tamilselvan, Head of the Political Division traced the ancestral unity that prevailed between the two communities that had many things in common and regretted that political forces that were interested in power and not peoples’ interests, created dissension which resulted in suspicion and fear over each other. “We understand and recognise that the Muslim people do have problems over land and their identity and we trust that the right environment has now been created for both the communities to work in unison respecting each others rights” said Mr.Tamilselvan. Speaker after speaker from the various Mosque federations and Jamiat Ulamas reiterated that the day-to-day problems faced by the Muslim peasantry relates to their lands and that the new LTTE leadership in Batticaloa-Amparai has convinced them that sincere and genuine attempts are being made to settle all disputes through frequent interaction. They also expressed their sense of satisfaction in the manner in which senior LTTE leadership has comprehended the problems and the right approach with which they have moved forward in bringing about amity. Head of the Eastern Province Jamiat Ulama, quoting the Prophet’s Holy Script Quran, said that Truth, Righteousness and Justice ultimately wins and therefore the Tamil Freedom struggle based on those three cardinal principles, would eventually win.
Mr.Balakumaran, Mr.Para, Head of the Tamil Eelam Judiciary and Special Commander Bhanu also addressed the gathering. Free exchange of ideas between the leaders in a most cordial atmosphere, was a special feature in this confab.
14 February 2005