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CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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Chandranehru Arianayagam honoured post-humously “Great Man”

“Respecting Mr. Chandranehru Arianayagam’s love of freedom for his people and their Homeland and his relentless pursuit of the noble goal of Human Rights protection, we confer on him the title of a “Great Man”, said Mr.V.Prabakaran, Leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in a statement issued yesterday, 12 February 2005 from the LTTE Head Quarters.

Mortal remains of the former Amparai Legislator who was killed on Monday along with Batticloa-Amparai LTTE political Head and colleagues, were interred yesterday at Vinayagapuram, his home town, in the presence of a large gathering including TNA parliamentarians.

Excerpts from the LTTE HQ statement:

“Tamil Nation has lost an ardent Human Rights activist and a former legislator who loved his people and worked relentlessly for the freedom of the Tamil people and their Homeland. A voice that never got tired of speaking for the rights of the Tamil people and their struggle for justice has been silenced. A Tamil Nationalist has fallen victim to the machinations of elements that work against the Tamil National cause.

A revolutionary politician, Mr. Chandranehru is recognised as a formidable force in the field of Human Rights and no violation missed his attention. Sincerity of purpose and the will to work for the people are the hall marks of this friendly social worker. During the height of the war when the Sinhal Chauvinist forcs and the military were sujecting the Tamil people to innumerous hardships and during the cease-fire period when the Tamil people were pushed to the fringe of frustration due to the unattainable peace dividend, Mr. Chandranehru was with the people, sharing with them their grief and voicing their grievances in the parliament and many a fora abroad.

Fighting against injustice in the midst of threats to his life, the Tamil people saw in him a fighter with indomitable courage. As a founder member of the NorthEast Secretariat On Human Rights (NESOHR), Mr. Chandranehru’s contribution in the field of Human Rights is remarkable. His interaction with Human Rights Organisations all over the world provided the international community with the right message relating to HR violations in the NorthEast. Mr.Chandranehru portrayed the Tamil freedom struggle in the right perspective and did not fail to make use of the opportunities that came his way to educate the people in the area of Human Rights.

Death never ends the lives of men who work for noble goals and in that sense Mr. Chandranehru Arianayagam’s sevices would remain in the collective memory of the Tamil people and the history of the Tamil freedom struggle”

13 February 2005

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