“STF constraints and provocations; But exercise maximum restraint and serve people”
-Batti/Amparai LTTE commander advises political cadres“It is true that the Sri Lankan Special Task Force (STF) deployed in the welfare centres for the Tsunami displaced, are obstructive in your endeavours to carry out effective humanitarian delivery to the Tamil speaking people, but it is inevitable that you exercise maximum restraint and patience because we are dealing with a highly traumatised people displaced this time by a natural disaster unlike the hitherto man-made displacements” said LTTE Batticaloa-Amparai commander Col. Bhanu, addressing a group of political cadres engaged in humanitarian delivery.
In an interview after the briefing at ‘Thenaham’, Vakarai, the commander told ‘Uthayan’ Tamil Daily that he has mobilised all his units to plan and execute the humanitarian delivery, taking extra precaution to ensure that no displaced person is made to feel humiliated in the distribution of relief items, for human dignity should not be infringed upon under any circumstances. Cadres have been strongly advised to exercise restraint in reacting to provocative actions of the STF exhibiting discriminatory tendencies in dealing with Tamil speaking people, the commander explained. To ensure close supervision and coordination, the commander said that Deputy commander Ram and Head of the LTTE Women’s Political Wing Thamilini are positioned closer to the welfare centres. Touching on the complexity in deploying Sri Lankan Military in centres where Tamil people are the displaced population, the commander said, the Tamil civilians fear and resent this because they are privy to SL military involvement in many of the massacres in the East where Tamil refugees were arbitrarily arrested in hundreds, aided by ‘hooded informant quislings’ while in the refugee camps in Vantharumoolai, Kokkaddichcholai, Kiran and several other locations, all of whom are now in the ‘disappeared’ list, but said to be buried in mass graves and no action taken against the perpetrators of these war crimes even though most of them have been identified by relatives and more than twenty years have gone by now.
20 January 2005