LTTE Political Delegation meets with Netherland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Receiving the LTTE Political Delegation led by Mr.S.P.Tamilselvan in the Netherland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 7th April 2005, Mr. Herman A. Schaper, Deputy Director General for Political Affairs expressed condolences for the victims of tsunami tidal surge.
“We are waiting for the report from our Embassy in Colombo on the progress made by the parties in formulating a Joint structure for post tsunami rehabilitation, reconstruction and development in consultation with the Norwegian facilitators to the peace process” said the Deputy Director. Touching on the salient features of the proposals first submitted by the LTTE and later formulated by Norway, Mr.Tamilselvan said that the LTTE has demonstrated its commitment and flexibility in accepting the proposals formulated by Norway taking into consideration the urgency of the humanitarian delivery that needs to be done for the people who have suffered immensely during the two decades of war, not realized the peace dividends envisaged in the Cease Fire Agreement (CFA) and now heavily impacted by tsunami. He also expressed the collective Tamil concern for the apathy with which Colombo treats the humanitarian crisis in the NorthEast. Extending an invitation to a ministry team including opposition MP’s and media persons to visit the tsunami devastated Tamil region, Mr. Tamilselvan said that such a fact-finding team would be in a position to report on the ground realities rather than depending on malicious reports put out by interested parties. Associated with the Deputy Director was Drs Mw Dicky Methorst-de Bie, Senior Policy Officer, Asia and Oceania Department, South Asia Division of the Netherland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
08 April 2005