TRO inaugurates a scheme to assist fisher folk in tsunami hit areas
TRO has inaugurated a “back to work” scheme to assist the fisher folk in NorthEast who have lost their livelihood in the tsunami disaster.
The affected people living in the welfare centers believe that the sea that provided for them for generations past had risen up in tidal wave only once. They are confident that it will continue to provide for them and future generations. The best way to help these people who are grieving the loss of families and loved ones is to assist them to get back to their work. Giving handouts to these people on a long term basis is not a solution. TRO has, therefore, set up the scheme to get the people to start their work. Boat repair workshops have been set up in Mullaitivu, Batticaloa and Vadamaradchi. Work has started in earnest to repair boats that are in reasonable condition. In addition TRO has handed over 300 boats and the engines to operate them to fisher folks in NorthEast.
30 January 2005