People lodge complaints with SLMM to allow resettlement
Seventy families displaced from Valigamam north high
security zones (HSZ) lodged complaints with SLMM for
ceasefire violations. According to the ceasefire agreement
(CFA) these people like thousands of others should be
allowed to resettle in their own land. However, the military
has failed to honour the CFA and vacate the land belonging
to the people.
People have submitted all the details about themselves and
their displacement from their own land in their complaints
to the SLMM. Their complaints also said, “All of us from Valigamam north were forcefully evicted
from our own land in 1990 June when the military came into
our area. We lost all our equipments for our trade as well
as all our other possessions. We are presently living in
welfare camps. We are living without the basic needs for a living. Our
children do not have proper education. The camps are very
crowded. Military is also harassing us. Please make arrangements to vacate the military from land
and sea they are occupying as agreed in the CFA and allow us
to resettle in our land”
06 September 2005