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CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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“Hear not those doomed to destruction”

SL Military has gone to town with its rejection of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission’s (SLMM) recommendation to disband and disown its armed group appendages in conformity with the Cease Fire Agreement (CFA) clause 1.8. Not contented with mere rejection, the SL Military has ventured to cynically condemn the recommendations and the entity, the SLMM.

A similar recommendation was made earlier by the Batticaloa District Head of SLMM when submitting a report on the killing of Mr.Kaushalyan, LTTE Amparai-Batticaloa Political Head. This recommendation was circumspect in the context of neutral and careful analysis of the assassination of Mr.Kaushalyan and the grave situation prevailing at that time.

The Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) has, being a signatory to the CFA, committed itself to disband the armed groups operating in the Tamil Homeland and it is no exaggeration to say that it was an onerous responsibility but nevertheless needed to be executed to the letter, come what may. This responsibility assumes greater dimension in the context of previous CFA’s having failed to last longer solely due to this element, the armed groups, thus necessitating serious and sincere will on the part of GoSL to implement it to the nail.

But, what does the GoSL performance sheet refect on this matter? Abject apology! Non-compliance is one thing, but acting completely against the spirit and letter of the CFA by encouraging proliferation of armed groups and ‘keeping’ them for clandestine penetration activities is altogether different and is therefore the problem per se.

The consequential exit or withdrawal rather of unarmed LTTE members from military occupied parts of the Tamil Homeland has created a political void there, withdrawal becoming a dire necessity caused by the killing of many such members in the hands of armed groups which had the blessings and condoning attitude of the police and military, a congenial atmosphere for the mercenary groups to thrive on.

An atmosphere congenial to mercenaries naturally created a difficult and cumbersome environment for the SLMM to carry out its job, execution of a mandate given by two parties, nonetheless one of them, the GoSL exhibiting callous disregard for the noble intention. The situation is more irksome to the SLMM in the context of a long stalled peace process and the necessity to make progress in the process of strengthening the CFA and put in place effective measures for meaningful implementation.

The LTTE cannot be faulted of failure to notify both the SLMM and the GoSL of its concern on the activities of these armed groups. No meeting LTTE had with the SLMM during the tenure of the incumbent regime went without the subject of armed groups consuming considerable length of time. Though substantial evidence was put forward during these discussions, the GoSL and the military adamantly refused the existence of such groups and the military complicity in their subversive activities. The military has stooped down to such low levels now, that it openly declares the necessity to employ armed groups to gather intelligence and monitor the activities of the LTTE.

This invariably is acceptance of the truth that has been denied all this time as LTTE falsehood. This is also acceptance of the fact that the military is the orchestrator of the ‘shadow’ war now being waged against the LTTE, while professing to be committed to the CFA. Anybody with a modicum of ground realities would vouch to the nexus between the armed groups and escalation of violence in military occupied areas and the necessity therefore of the removal of these elements from the current equation. CFA would be a toothless instrument if this vital requirement is not met with and no amount of commitment is of any use to keep the CFA in tact without first ‘chasing’ away these armed groups.

It is this realisation that has triggered the SLMM to recommend disbanding of these armed groups. SL military rejecting this recommendation drives home to the Tamil people the realisation that the SL forces are keen to break the cease fire and the re-confirmation of the truth that it is the government and its forces that were a threat to the CFA. Violation of the CFA clauses relating to normalcy notwithstanding, the SL forces continue to adamantly occupy the natural habitats of the Tamil people, denying them the basic right to live in their homes.

Climaxing the audacity is the latest challenge SL military has thrown on the doorstep of the SLMM that it doesn’t care a damn whether it is the despicable ‘keeping’ of armed groups for clandestine activities or any violation of the CFA for that matter.

Editorial Comment – Eelanatham Tamil Daily 4 Nov 2005

04 November 2005

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