LTTE Political Delegation in Rome
– Meeting with Italian Ministry for Foreign AffairsThe LTTE Political Delegation led by Mr.S.P.Tamilselvan, that arrived in Rome late afternoon on Thursday, had a meeting with Mr.Claudio Pacifico, Director General, Asia Oceania, Pacific and Antarctic today 1 April 2005 at the Foreign Ministry Complex.
 The Director General expressed condolences for those affected by the Tsunami tidal surge, on behalf of the People of Italy and their Government at the outset and requested of the Head of the Delegation to brief the Ministry officials on the current status of the proposal to bring about a joint structure to effectively address urgent humanitarian delivery and re-construction. He also showed keen interest in ascertaining whether the Tamil People could find a positive element in this adversity by expanding confidence building into the Peace Process. Presenting a detailed picture of the ground situation, Mr. Tamilselvan explained the concept of a Joint Mechanism based on the experience gained during the first week after tsunami in the rescue and relief operations carried out, first by mobilizing all the LTTE units and then work on an inclusive ad-hoc Task Force modality that included the INGO’s, Civilian Based Organizations and the District level government officials. The success and efficacy of this arrangement motivated the leadership of the LTTE, Mr.Tamilselvan said, to invite the government to participate in such a mechanism on a broader basis. Unfortunately, Mr.Tamilselvan lamented, that the government has not yet reached consensus on the formulation put forward by the Norwegian facilitators to the peace process. Reiterating LTTE’s commitment to the peace process and a negotiated settlement with Norwegian facilitation supported by the international community, Mr.Tamilselvan said that it is essential to demonstrate to the people by an effective humanitarian delivery mode to meet the rehabilitation, reconstruction and development needs in the background of the asymmetry of tsunami impact on the Tamil people with a history of two decades of war that devastated the social and economic infrastructure in addition to the loss of 80,000 lives in the war and innumerable displacements that have made a million Tamils refugees all over the world and in-country. The denial of access to their habitats, a peace dividend assured in the cease fire agreement, only because of a rigid military stance in classifying civilian habitats as High Security Zones, Mr.Tamilselvan said, has resulted in more number of tsunami deaths. Soliciting the continuation of Italy’s support to the Norwegian facilitators to maintain the CFA and make progress in the peace process, Mr.Tamilselvan conveyed his sense of gratitude to the people of Italy for the spontaneous assistance they render in post-tsunami management. Striking a sombre note, Mr. Tamilselvan expressed sorrow on the deteriorating state of health of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, on behalf of the Tamil people and their National Leader. Participating in the meeting with the Director General was Mr.Alesandro Cevese, Deputy Director General, Mr.Giuseppe Cinti and Dr.Agostine Mioxxo, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Civil Protection Department.
02 April 2005