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'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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Any further delay will lead to regret later

Editorial column of the Uthayan daily 06.08.2005

Although the ethnic problem of this island has been wrapped up in a ceasefire agreement and thus appears to be in a state of peace, it is indeed a volcano that is simmering and waiting to erupt. The sporadic incidents here and there, like the Jaffna incident and the Kaluvanchikudi grenade attack, are evidence of this simmering volcano.

Two years have passed since the peace efforts came to a stand still. The international pressure and third party mediation are holding the ceasefire agreement together to avoid the resumption of war. Their efforts is akin to tying life to a body that has neared its last breadth.

The shooting and killing of the hairdresser in Jaffna, the incidents that followed it, and the abduction and murder of a police officer are tragic events and these acts must be condemned.

The August 1977 and the July 1983 pogroms are scars etched in the minds of the Tamils. Tamils faced the violence of crowds of thugs on the streets on these two occasions. The whole word scorned those who committed these atrocities. These two events became part of the justification for the Tamils freedom struggle.

Similarly the strong emotions of the people against the oppressive forces should not in turn become the justification for the oppressive acts. It is not a minor issue that an innocent person was shot and killed. Also this is not an isolated incident. It is one of a long string of similar atrocities. The outrage of the people is therefore understandable. Yet failing to follow a disciplined action on such matters can result in unwelcome interpretations and outcomes.

A rare opportunity was presented after two decades of cruel war to find a peaceful resolution to the ethnic problem. However, hopes are fading that the opportunity will be grasped. The south Sri Lanka instead of putting its energies to make use of this golden opportunity is keen on its own political gambling.

The calm due to the halt to the war and the silenced guns have distracted the southern politicians from the ethnic conflict to other matters. They have failed to notice or are pretending to not notice that the ethnic conflict though appearing clam on the surface is waiting to explode like a volcano.

The end result will be tragic. The sporadic incidents here and there demonstrate clearly that the situation is worsening.

The disinterest of the southern leadership to find a peaceful solution, the shadow war let loose against the Tamil representatives-the LTTE, the neglect of the humanitarian needs of the Tamils affected by war and then the tsunami, the ejection of Tamils from their own homes under the guise of high security zones are all adding fuel to the outrage of the people which has reached the bursting point. If the southern leadership continues to delay paying its full attention to find a peaceful resolution to the ethnic conflict, the outrage of the Tamils will surely burst its bounds and will lead to great destruction in the island. There is no sense in regretting after reaching such a situation.

06 August 2005

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