Special committee to release the road from military in Jaffna
A special committee was established to release the power station road from the military occupation in Jaffna town. There is a need for the expansion of the Jaffna town and the upliftment of the interior roads. The roads of the Jaffna town have to be expanded and the interior roads have to be developed further.
The high security zone, which includes the Gnanam and Subash hotels and the Power station road located in the center of the town, has been causing inconvenience to the public. Denying the Power station road to public has created tremendous difficulties to the people. The public transport in the town can be made easier by releasing this main road from the SLA. The town development committee nominated a five member group to deal with the above issue and release the occupied road for public use. This group will have discussion with the military commander in order to achieve this.
31 May 2005