Public organizations condemn the attack on LTTE
Many public organizations including Tamil Students Union of
Jaffna District, and Consortium of Tamil People-Trincomalee
have condemned the attack on LTTE members and civilians at
Selvanayakapuram in Trincomalee on 10th July 2005.
The Consortium of Tamil People-Trincomalee in their
statement said, “Attacking unarmed political cadres and civilians is an
inhuman act and a blatant violation of the ceasefire
agreement. This well-planned attack was carried out aided
and abetted by the Sri Lankan armed forces. These kinds of
attacks not only damage the spirit of the Cease Fire
Agreement but also will force the LTTE, the sole
representatives of Tamil people, to take retaliatory
measures. Since the Government of Sri Lanka had
militarized the Trincomalee town, it has to take the
responsibility for the security issues in the area. We want to
demonstrate our non-violently protest by a general shut down
until the burial of the four people who were killed
yesterday”. Tamil Students Union of Jaffna District in their statement
said, “Tamil people who are very unhappy about the attacks on
unarmed cadres and civilians carried out by paramilitary
groups with full support of the military are outraged by the
killing of two cadres and two civilians in Trincomalee on
July 10th. Just a few days ago Sri Lankan military that was
detaining Dikkan has threatened to kill him and Dikkan has
reported this to Trincomalee Political Wing Head Elilan
and Elilan in turn lodged a complaint with the SLMM. In
spite of this the military was able to carry out this
killing. Killing and harassing unarmed workers who are dedicating
their life for the people is an open invitation by the
military to hit them hard. Tamil people will not tolerate
the ongoing murders of Tamil civilians and cadres by the
military. The military has demonstrated their attitude by killing LTTE
cadres even during the time limit set by the Tamil people to
ensure the protection of the cadres. This has shown the
Tamil people that there is no point in waiting any more. We warn the military that they will have to face the outrage
of the Tamil people soon”.
11 July 2005