Sinhala Government’s shady war
Lead news form the Viduthalaipulikal - Feb-Mar 2005The Pollonnaruwa region that is under the control of the Sri Lankan security forces is used as the base for the Sinhala government’s shady war conducted back stage. The security forces are using this region as the launching pad for their underhand plots against the freedom struggle of the Tamils. This is part of the government’s overall treacherous plan targeting LTTE’s military strength and its patience.
 This shady war of the government is targeting the eastern province. It is staged by persistent murderous attacks on LTTE members and the killing of Tamil and Muslim civilians. An English daily recently uncovered, with photographic evidence, a camp run with assistance from the security forces where the mercenaries who are conducting this shady war are housed. However, neither the Sinhala government nor the military chiefs have accepted this truth that was brought out in the open with evidence. They have only attempted to cover it up by twisting facts. The mercenaries conducting this shady war are housed inside military camps for their safety. The mercenaries are provided with weapons by the security forces to commit the murders. The murderous attacks are carried out near military camps with help from the security forces. On several occasions the security forces have also took part in these attacks in civil clothes. Creating a paramilitary group, providing it with weapons and operating it is clearly against the ceasefire agreement. According to clause 1.8 of the ceasefire agreement signed by the government, within one month of signing the agreement all paramilitary groups in government controlled areas must be disarmed. Not only that the ceasefire agreement bans the operation of all armed groups in Northeast. Yet, the Sinhala government is blatantly disregarding all of this to create a paramilitary group in the eastern province and to provide it with weapons and to operate it. This act is devaluing the internationally monitored ceasefire agreement. It is attempting to make fools of the international community. This is not the first time a Sinhala government has signed a ceasefire agreement with the LTTE and then proceeded to conduct a shady war against LTTE. This is the usual conduct of the Sinhala governments. Past ceasefire agreements with the Sinhala government were broken because of similar deceitful militaristic attempts. The aim of such shady wars is to create the external conditions to restart the war. The reality is that the Sinhala government is neither interested in the peace efforts nor in finding a political solution. It desires war and believes in war. It wants to win the war with LTTE and oppress the Tamils. The recent censuring rules against foreign journalists regarding their news collection and their analysis reports is due to the fear that they may expose the Chandrika government’s ethnically biased intentions. The shady war against the LTTE will not benefit the Sinhala government as desired by it. Major partner countries of the peace efforts are keenly observing the deceptive politics of the Sinhala government. Sinhala government must immediately stop this shady war with a destructive aim. Otherwise no one will be able to stop the shady war from evolving into a real fullscale war.
05 April 2005