Do not make any attempt to suppress us
Srilasri Somasundara Swamikal
Following is the text of the speech delivered by Srilasri Somasundara Swamikal of Nallur temple chapter in the renaissance event "Voice of Tamil Nation" held Sunday at the Kailasapathy Auditorium.
"Today's message is directed at the community that has kept us oppressed for the past twenty years. Sinhala Buddhist chauvinism that oppressed us all these years is keen to oppress us again and again. With this in mind the Buddhist monks are testing out what they can and
cannot do to oppress us through their fasting. We the priests are again issuing a request to these Buddhist monks. Do not oppress us again and again. Give voice for our freedom instead. At a time when we must all together build a national structure for rehabilitation, development and peace, it is tragic that the Buddhist monks are acting with the view to
weaken such moves. All religions have the right toexist in this country. All religions are unique. Buddhism is not the only religion of the people. Time has come to tell the Buddhist monks that
there are also other religions practiced in this land. It is not proper that Buddhist monks are immersing themselves in politics. Politics is necessary for the religious leaders dedicated to spirituality. But it must stay within its limits. We think the Buddhist monks are betraying Buddhism by putting their views into actions on inappropriate issues. As the voice of the all the Tamil people in the north this is what we would like to tell the Buddhist monks. Do not oppress our community again and again. Let us live. Give us
the freedom that should be ours. Let us unite. Let us live together. Let us give voice for the freedom of our land and people."
20 June 2005