Jaffna university management and commerce students warn Sri Lankan military
The association of commerce and management students of university of Jaffna warned that they will launch a continuous struggle unless the military surrounding the university complex is removed. The university student association also demanded an end to the threatening conduct of the military towards the public and the removal of all security posts surrounding the university complex.
The statement issued by the university students’ association in connection with the increased invasive search activities of the military in Jaffna further added- “The military through its threatening activities on the public is trying to draw the LTTE into a war. We condemn the activities of the military that is threatening the public. We will not permit such activities that are disturbing the normalcy of the people. We demand that the military stop all activities that are threatening to the students and the public. We also demand that all security posts surrounding the university complex be removed. We are saddened that the SLMM is turning a blind eye to such military excesses in Jaffna and in other areas. We appeal to those concerned to take appropriate actions to bring normalcy in the lives of students and the public. If the military continues with its excesses we will be forced to launch a large scale continuous struggle against the military. If the military tries to stop us we will be forced into the difficult situation of having to confront the military in its own style.”
18 December 2005