Mass Protest in Vadamaradchi Today
Civilian based organizations in Vadamaradchi have organised a mass protest on Monday to protest against several actions of the state that are causing hardship to people. They include:
Creation of new military camps within 100 meters of the coastline while at the same time declining permission to civilians build in this area.
Sexual harassment of the security forces.
Accidents caused by military vehicles.
The slow pace of state rehabilitation work for the destruction caused by the tsunami.
The continuing use of school buildings by the security forces under the guise of high security zones.
Insistence of permission certificates to be issued by the security forces to fishermen to go fishing for their livelihood.The protesters demanded:
The return of all homes in the high security zones that belong to civilians and all homes occupied by the security forces that belong to civilians back to the civilians.
To hand over the interim administration of Northeast to LTTE.Fishermen, businessmen, students, teachers, local NGO staff, staff of multi purpose cooperative societies, members of the national uprising organization, and members of parliament took part in the mass protest. The procession handed over letters for the President to Point Pedro and Karaveddy Divisional Secretaries. Finally the procession ended at the SLMM office in Thambasiddy where a submission was made to the SLMM.
28 March 2005