Jaffna Political Wing Head of LTTE and Jaffna district Head of SLMM discuss SLA violations
Head of the LTTE political section for Jaffna, Mr Ilamparuthy, and Jaffna district Head of SLMM met Tuesday at 10:30 am to discuss increasing ceasefire violations committed by the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) in Jaffna during the last week.
Mr Ilamparuthy said the following during the meeting with SLMM officials,
“LTTE is determined to uphold the ceasefire agreement, but the SLA is continuously ignoring the ceasefire agreement and are committing serious violations, such as rapes, violent attacks and humiliating treatment of Tamil civilians.” “The SLA is disrespecting the Maveerar resting places, which are widely respected by Tamil people, by entering the grounds with arms and conducting security checks. The SLA is also entering civilian homes, which is also a violation of the ceasefire.” “These actions are planned by higher-ranking officials within the SLA. The SLMM must bring this violence of the security forces against Tamil people to the attention of the international community.” “The peace that people have set their hopes on is being destroyed by the SLA. The SLA is also putting the SLMM in a difficult position by continuously committing these violations.” Mr Ilamparuthy further stated that the LTTE is fully cooperating with SLMM. SLMM officials stated that they are closely watching the situation in Jaffna and have informed SLMM headquarters about the recent events.
21 December 2005