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CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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Neglecting the opportunities will lead to dangerous situation

-Tamil National Uprising Society

The Sinhala chauvinists will have to face the consequences of dishonouring agreements and neglecting opportunities for the welfare of Tamils. The Tamil National Uprising Society has said this in its latest press release. The press release further states:

“The Sinhala politicians and the Sinhala chauvinists are not going to accede to the basic rights of Tamils. This has become crystal clear through the present happenings in the south.

The deception of the Tamil people by the alternating governments has reached the peak of hypocrisy.

When the Tamil people took up non-violent protests they were suppressed and attacked. All agreements made between Tamil leaders, including the father of Tamil nationalism, S J V Chelvanayagam, and the Sinhala regimes were thrown to the dust bin in the name of Sinhala hegemony and Buddhism. The struggle of the Tamil people has now evolved into a strong armed struggle under the leadership of the Tamil National Leader.

In this context even three years after the CFA the life of Tamil people has not seen any improvement. Rather the Sri Lankan military with assistance from paramilitary groups is carrying out a shadow war and implementing an economic blockade in violation of the CFA.

Today these Sinhala chauvinists are determined to stop tsunami assistance planed by the donor community to the affected Tamil people. This is certainly testing the limits of patience of the Tamil people.”

Confederation of Jaffna University Student Societies said in its report:

“The current political situation clearly demonstrates that the Sinhala chauvinistic forces are determined to deny the rights of the Tamil people. The opposition shown by the chauvinistic JVP party and Hela Urumaya, the party of Buddhist monks, to the joint structure for channelling international tsunami aid clearly proves the point.

As far as the Sinhala politics go the government may change regularly but their chauvinistic policies are always the same. These forces are pushing aside Tamil requests and using deception in exactly the same manner as they did decades ago.

There is however, one difference. Today Tamil people have their sole representatives, the LTTE, with a strong army. If the Sinahala nation drags its feet any further, Tamils will have no other option but to secede and establish their own state.”

University Staff Association said in its report:

“In this island, the Sinhala governments started to settle Sinhalese people in Tamil homelands. Tamil leaders made many agreements with these Sinhala governments. They were all torn and thrown away by the Sinhala governments under pressure from the Sinhala chauvinism. These same forces have begun yet another cruel drama now. They are determined to shut the doors to peace that was left open for three years.

No one with any sense will believe anymore that the chauvinistic forces that cannot agree to a joint structure for humanitarian work will ever agree to give the rights of Tamil people.

The government, its coalition partner the JVP, the party of the Buddhist monks, Hela Urumaya are all tightly interconnected entities in this cruel drama. They differ only in the strategies they employ to deny Tamils their rights. President’s stance that she is under a lot of pressure against the setting up of the joint structure is also a strategy to drag the time. By dragging the time the chauvinistic forces can gather more support to itself.

The chauvinistic forces are working hard to deny Tamils their rights and have initiated many provocative actions over the last few days. There is the possibility that these activities will peak over the next few days.

We believe the time has come to take forward our struggle decisively and for our National Leader to take that decision. International community must understand that Tamil people are ready to move to the next stage in the history of their struggle and be able o determine their affairs on their own.”

Civilian Based Organizations said in their report:

“Tamil people are indigenous people of this island. They have a long history. They preferred to live together with the Sinhala people. Tamils have been wounded by the planned destruction of the Sinhala-Tamil relationship by Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinistic forces. Tamil still prefer to live together.

Tamil leaders who have stood for the rights of the Tamil people were laughed at and attacked by the Sinhala chauvinistic forces. Tamil leaders fought for a quarter of a century through non-violent means. The Sri Lankan government attacked all these struggles with its military might. All agreements signed with the Tamil leaders were thrown into the dust bin even before the ink was dry on the paper. Tamil youth took to arms only when they witnessed the impotence of the non-violent struggle of their leaders.

That armed struggle has evolved into a sharp force under the leadership of the LTTE, gathering the entire Tamil people to stand behind it to win their land back. Even when the Tamil people are strong politically and militarily, the Sinhala politicians are not prepared to give their rights. Even after CFA and peace talks between the LTTE and Sri Lankan government no solution is in sight for the Tamil peoples wishes.

Tamils have now realised that only by establishing a separate state they can live freely. For the Tamils who fought for an independent state that is the only solution. They did not entertain any other option. It was at this juncture that the Sinhala government said that it would give a self governing authority to the Tamils. It was only after this that the LTTE put forward the ISGA (Interim Self Governing Authority) proposal. Sinhala politicians could not accept this. It was then that the tsunami disaster hit and the Sinahala politicians said that they would give a joint structure. Sinhala chauvinists are determined that Tamil people should not get any assistance from international community. On top of it, political parties like JVP and Hela Urumaya are determined destroy Tamils.

The forces for Sinhala chauvinism are determined to deny Tamils their rights and have taken up destructive activities in the last few days. This will only lead Sri Lanka on a path to destruction.”

13 June 2005

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