Residents of Puthur East vow to never resettle until SLA camp is removed
Residents of Puthur East vowed that they will never return to their homes until the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) camp is removed from their village. It has been almost one week since a SLA soldier broke into the house of four women, causing many to flee the village.
Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentary members, Mavai Senathiraja, Eelaventhan, Sivanesan and Suresh Premachanthiran visited Puthur East to discuss the issue with residents. Residents recounted the incident, followed by violent protests that involved the SLA’s inhumane acts, and pleaded with the TNA members to support the removal of the SLA camp. Residents stressed that they are threatened by the SLA’s presence and confirmed this is the worst incident that has caused so much panic in years. Residents also stated they will be able to return to a life of normalcy once the SLA camp is removed. TNA parliamentary members promised the residents that they will discuss their grave concerns with the Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission (SLMM) and the Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission (SLHRC) and give residents a resolution by 10 November.
04 November 2005