Lesson from the high court decision
Editorial- Uthayan Daily:16.07.2005
“Searching in the river for what is lost in the sea” is
taking place in this island. Observing the efforts to find a
peaceful solution to the ethnic problem and related
developments makes one think that this is exactly what is
going on here.
The High Court of the Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka has
outlawed many aspects of the P-TOMS agreement that was
settled on after a lot of time and effort. As a result
P-TOMS will now be put to sleep. Tsunami affected people
awaiting relief are deceived yet again. All those who hoped
that some relief would come through the P-TOMS agreement
have certainly lost all remaining hopes. Sinhala
chauvinists who did not wish justice for the Tamils
certainly would have been overjoyed. There is no point in
condemning the high court. All it can do is to operate
within the law on which it is set up and give rulings and
explanations based on them. That is all. It is not going to
step outside the law and take into account the ground
situation and rule accordingly. But, those who take the
ruling of the high court into account and approach the issue
based on it must understand one important point. This point has been repeatedly emphasized not only by the LTTE,
the sole representatives of the Tamil people, but also by
past leaders of the Tamil people like S J V Chelvanayagam
and Amirthalingam over the last few decades. The 1971
constitution that cropped up from nowhere or the present
1978 constitution that followed was brought without any
consultation with the Tamils. Both these constitutions were
drawn to suit the Sinhala Buddhist hegemony and were forced
on the Tamils. These constitutions therefore will not bind
the Tamils. This is the unanimous position of both the LTTE
and Tamils leaders of the past. It is not possible to find a
solution to the self-determination aspirations of the Tamil
people under a constitution that they did not accept and one
that was forced on them. To search for solution under the
present constitution is like searching in the river for what
is lost in the sea. To find what is lost in the sea one must
look for it in the sea. The constitution forced on Tamils by the Sinhala chauvinists
and the laws within it are the root cause of the Tamil
ethnic problem, their struggle, violation of their rights
and their suppression. To find a solution to this problem
one must step outside this constitution. There is no sense
in searching for a solution to the problem while remaining
tied up by the rules that caused the problems in the first
instance. Be it the P-TOMS or the interim administration or
a permanent solution it can be worked out only after
stepping outside the constitution. If one looks for the
solution within the present constitution within its current
laws and structures it will be like loosing something in one
place and searching for it somewhere else. It will be a
wasted exercise. The high court decision has demonstrated
this clearly to the country and the international community. LTTE’s theoretician Anton Balasingam explained this at the
start of the current peace talks. LTTE leader has also
pointed this out in his annual Hero’s Day speech. The
ceasefire agreement became a reality only when the past
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe gave up hiding behind
the constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri
Lanka and accepted the ground reality of two administrative
structures; two armies; two areas of control; and two courts
of law in the island and signed the ceasefire agreement.
Three and a half years of ceasefire became possible because
of this. Opportunity for the peace efforts was also created
because of this. Therefore Sinhala leadership must prepare itself to step
outside the constitution to find either an interim solution
or a permanent solution. As long as such leadership with
courage and strength are not formed in the south, they have
no option but to stage their senseless dramas while
remaining tied up by the constraints Sinhala chauvinistic
constitution. This truth brought out by the high court is dedicated to the
attention of the international community.
16 July 2005