18 areas in Jaffna occupied as high security zones
The ceasefire agreement signed three and a half years ago
between the LTTE and the Sri Lankan government postulated
that the security forces must vacate all public and private
places within three months of signing the agreement. Three
and half years later, they are still occupying vast areas
of private and public places. Thousands of people are in
refugee camps as a result.
The consortium of non-governmental organizations of Jaffna
in its latest monthly statement for June has said that 18
regions in Jaffna are occupied by the military as HSZ. 190
square kilometres of land is under the High Security Zones (HSZs) and a total of
30,388 families are unable to live in their homes as a
result and are living in welfare centres or with friends and
relatives. The statistics collected by the institute for alternate
policies was published in the June statement of the
consortium. This statistics also brings out that fishermen
have been denied access to fishing in 81.5 square kilometres
of sea area. It also said that 12,259 acres of rice
cultivating land has been occupied and is banned from being
cultivated. The statement also said that the ceasefire
agreement has not brought about any progress to this
situation of the HSZ. Commenting on the situation of education of children in the
8 to 15 age group in the coastal areas of Pasaiyoor,
Kurunagar, Navanthurai, Kakaitivu and Columbuthurai the
statement said that more than 100 children have dropped out
of schools in these areas due to poverty and home situation.
21 July 2005