Sri Lankan government failed to provide health services
Jaffna consortium of NGOs who met the representatives of World Health Organization who are currently visiting Jaffna has informed them of the negligence of the government in providing health services to the coastal villages that were affected by the tsunami. They said this to the WHO representatives at the meeting that took place at the office of the NGO consortium situated in Nallur temple surroundings. The meeting was presided by the president of the consortium S Vigneswaran. S Paramanathan representing the Society for the welfare of the displaced and many representatives of other civilian based organizations took part in this meeting.
The representatives of Jaffna NGOs also informed the WHO representatives about the health care situation in the north. The cancer treatment facility at the Tellipalai hospital is in a High Security Zone and cancer patients are subjected to a lot of harassment by the military. There is no facility at this cancer hospital to treat lung cancer patients. The hospital is there only in name but is unable to provide proper treatment. There is only one teaching hospital in Jaffna peninsula to serve the entire region. Even this hospital is not properly equipped and many of the needs of this hospital have not been met.
12 June 2005