SL navy disrupts people’s normal life in Mandaitivu
-Public Organisations request to controlPublic organizations from Mandaitivu have made a complaint to Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission and Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, to control the Sri Lankan navy’s activities which severely affect people’s normal life of the area.
SL navy still continues to harass the resettling people in Mandaitivu which is fully under the control of SL navy. People of this area, displaced in 1990 after SL Army captured Mandaitivu and killed hundreds of them, are returning back to their home gradually after the Cease Fire Agreement. Though nearly thousand families have returned so far, SL navy denies assisting them to get basic facilities. Specially, Navy prohibits the use of hand-phones and other phones. While denying the people to move in the night, the Navy also controls the access to the sea-side. The Navy denies the relatives and friends visiting the resettled people in this area and forces them to get special permission.
28 May 2005