Navy arrests trainees in a UNDP funded training project
Centre for Womens Development and Rehabilitation (CWDR) is a local NGO that conducts vocational training as well as many other projects for women. One such project was the training centre for manufacturing Palmarah fibre products in Pesalai in Mannar district. This project is funded by UNDP.
On Monday at 7.00 am the Sri Lankan Navy arrested all 15 women at this training centre. Thirteen of the women were trainees and the other two were teachers. All the trainees came from very poor families and many of them have lost their family bread winners. That is why they were chosen for this vocational training. CWDR informed SLMM, UNDP, the local NGO consortium and the government agent about the arrest. When the government agent went and spoke to the Navy the Navy has said that they will release the women by 3.00 pm on Monday. However, the women were not released at 3.00 pm. The Navy is now saying that they will produce the women in courts on Tuesday morning.
22 August 2005