“We perceive all international assistance as purely humanitarian”
-Tamilselvan“Relief assistance volunteered by all countries including the United States of America, is perceived by us as purely humanitarian and we hold no reservations as to which country assists and what type of assistance it is” said Mr.S.P.Tamilselvan, Head of the LTTE political wing, when asked by a foreign journalist to comment on American marines involving in relief work.
“United States of America is one of the many nations that have magnanimously come forward to provide assistance to all countries in the South East Asian region that have been affected by the Tsunami tidal surge. There is no necessity for one to look at this assistance with political connotations, more so at a time like this. Many countries have entered into this humanitarian equation, responding to the tragic situation, people in Tsunami hit nations are placed in. Each country has its own way of rendering assistance, depending on the availability of resources and the needs of the nation affected. USA, Great Britain, Canada, India and Bangladesh are countries that have extended the services of their armed forces in relief, rescue, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities in the post-Tsunami scenario in Sri Lanka. International community readily responding to disasters in any part of the world is a common phenomenon in the current world order and it is a healthy trend too. We look at it in that perspective”.
12 January 2005