The many fronts of the war on civilians
No rice, flour and sugar in Jaffna: The empty stocks turn into long queues for small quantities of these items in Jaffna.
150 patients from Kilinochchi hospital trapped in Jaffna hospital: 150 patients who were taken from Kilinochchi hospital to the Jaffna hospital for treatment, prior to 11 August, are unable to return to their homes in Vannni. Sri Lankan Navy orders all fishing jetties closed: Sri Lankan navy ordered all fishing jetties in Vadamaradchy in Jaffan to be filled with stones and made unusable. Freeze on TRO funds affects 30 children’s homes: The freezing of the TRO funds by the Sri Lankan government is affecting the operations of 30 children homes in Vanni. Children in these children’s homes are either from very poor families or have lost their parents in the war. Tsunami refugees still without permanent homes: The building of permanent homes for the tsunami refugees is still incomplete. These people are now forced to face another rainy season without a proper roof over their head. They are still staying in temporary shelters that were designed to last only for six months. 31 civilians shot dead in the last week in Northeast: Sri Lankan armed forces and its paramilitary groups shot dead 31 civilians in the last week. Most were shot dead point blank by gunmen in motorbikes. A few were abducted in white-vans and their bodies were later discovered. Some of the bodies that were discovered are of those arrested by the Sri Lankan armed forces.
12 September 2006