CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

 2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003 

 Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec 

02.04.2006  SLA attacks three LTTE posts is the east
02.04.2006  Family arrested in Jaffna by SLA
03.04.2006  SLA takes bribes and permits illegal sand removal in Jaffna peninsula
05.04.2006  Special Peace envoy meets with LTTE
06.04.2006  ICRC’s new Head of Delegation meets with LTTE
07.04.2006  LTTE member killed by SLA shelling in Batticaloa
07.04.2006  Trincomalee Tamil Community Leader, Vigneswaran, shot dead
07.04.2006  ‘GoSL is acting in bad faith adopting very rigid positions’
07.04.2006  Lofty claims of the GoSL that it is committed to CFA and its pledge in Geneva are all meaningless
08.04.2006  SLA shells Trincomalee village, civilian injured
08.04.2006  “Death never destroys great men who lived to uphold truthful goals”
09.04.2006  SLA ensues firing at LTTE posts in Trincomalee
09.04.2006  GoSL negligent on LTTE safe travel
10.04.2006  Co-Chair representatives meet with LTTE
12.04.2006  Past patterns of State violence returns
13.04.2006  Two separate SLA attacks inside LTTE controlled area
13.04.2006  LTTE accepts SLMM proposal for sea transport of Eastern commanders
14.04.2006  Civilian killings, disappearances in Jaffna and Mannar
14.04.2006  “LTTE will not participate in Geneva -2, until the hurdles are removed
15.04.2006  SLA and paramilitary’s ‘white van’ abductions hit Jaffna once again
15.04.2006  One LTTE cadre and a civilian killed by a SLA claymore mine attack
15.04.2006  SLN’s excessive interference causes the cancellation of the sea transport
16.04.2006  SLA sieves Jaffna public
16.04.2006  SLA enters LTTE area in Ampara and attacks civilians
16.04.2006  Murder, disappearance, assault, eviction, and sexual harassment by SLA
17.04.2006  Hundreds of civilians continue to displace from Trincomalee
18.04.2006  Bodies of three men murdered by SLA found in Puliyankulam jungle
18.04.2006  Five Tamil civilians killed within five hours
20.04.2006  Five civilians shot dead at the same time, bodies near SLA camp in Jaffna
20.04.2006  Three fishermen missing in Northern Jaffna Seas
20.04.2006  President of Jaffna Technical college Student Union attacked again
20.04.2006  Norwegian Peace Envoy for Sri Lanka meets LTTE Political Head
21.04.2006  Killings continue in the NorthEast
21.04.2006  On the killing of Selvathurai Nishanthan (17) by SLA planted Claymore inside LTTE area
22.04.2006  SLA’s hidden hands, Sihhala thugs and paramilitary, kill Tamils
23.04.2006  SLA excesses on travelers in Jaffna
23.04.2006  Two disappeared in Mannar
23.04.2006  Attacks and extreme harassment of Jaffna fishermen by Sri Lankan Navy continues...
23.04.2006  Seven Tamil civilians killed in 24 hours
24.04.2006  Trincomalee violence
24.04.2006  SLA attacks in LTTE area
24.04.2006  One killed, one injured in Jaffna in two separate shooting by SLA-paramilitary
25.04.2006  Pervasive duplicity incompatible with peace process
26.04.2006  Killings, Abductions, threats - SLA
26.04.2006  SLA attacks Vavunathivu in Batticaloa
26.04.2006  Businessman shot and killed in Vavuniya
26.04.2006  Sri Lankan military attacks Tamil areas, closes border to LTTE areas
27.04.2006  Henricsson visits shattered Muthur village
27.04.2006  SLA activities in Tamil homeland on 26 April 2006
28.04.2006  Tamil civilians murdered by Sri Lankan Armed Forces since Geneva talks
29.04.2006  SLA activities in the Northeast on 27 April 2006
29.04.2006  SLA activities in the Northeast on 28 April 2006
30.04.2006  SLA activities in the Northeast on 29 April 2006