Tamil civilians murdered by Sri Lankan Armed Forces since Geneva talks
LTTE Political Division issued a press statement today detailing the Tamil civilians murdered by, and under the supervision of, the SLAFs since the Geneva talks on 24 February. This tells the story of the gruesome terrorizing nature of the murderous campaign by the SLAFs.
For the full text in PDF version of the Press Statement click here:
The styles of murders adopted by the SLAFs are categorized as follows in the press statement. 1. direct shooting by the SLAFs,
2. direct shooting by the paramilitary while SLAFs stood guard nearby, carried out in three distinct styles
a. balaclava wearing gunmen arriving in white-van at night at the victim’s home;
b. helmeted motorbike riders shooting and escaping in daylight; and
c. missing people surfacing as bodies.
3. SLAFs assisted Sinhala mobs,
4. SLAFs planted claymore mines that target civilians,
5. SLAFs aerial bombing and shelling of civilian settlements and
6. SLAFs killing inside LTTE area
The statement said that six children and fourteen women have been killed. Statement also highlighted that the murderous campaign has targeted three high profile community leaders, Vigneswaran on 7 April, Vilvarasa on 20 April and Senthilnathan on 26 April. It said that a total of 12 civilians were killed on February 27, March 5, 6, 9, 20, 22, 24, 25, and 28 and then on April 7 Tamil activist, Vigneswaran, was killed. The first attack on SLAFs posts after the Geneva talks took place on April 8th, the statement added. Readers can now make their own conclusion about who is responsible for deteriorating situation, following the Geneva talks.
28 April 2006