CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

 2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003 

 Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec 

01.05.2006  SLA activities in the Northeast on 30 April 2006
01.05.2006  The amnesia of the GoSL and “all political parties”
02.05.2006  SLA activities in the northeast on 30 April, 1 May 2006
03.05.2006  Political head writes to SLMM about its 2nd May press release
03.05.2006  SLA activities in Northeast on 2 May 2006
03.05.2006  Jaffna Tamil daily Uthayan’s Press Office attacked, two killed, by paramilitary
04.05.2006  SLA activities in Northeast on 3 May 2006
04.05.2006  Tamil Media Group protests Uthayan attack
05.05.2006  SLA activities in Northeast on 4 May 2006
06.05.2006  Traditions must change to protect right to life
07.05.2006  SLA activities in Northeast on 5 May 2006
07.05.2006  Jaffna comes to a standstill protesting civilian murders by SLA
08.05.2006  SLA activities in the Northeast:
08.05.2006  Massacre at Kelathu Amman temple in Jaffna
08.05.2006  Seven month baby dies as GoSL closes border to LTTE areas
08.05.2006  “GoSL will open borders when LTTE stops agitating civilians”
09.05.2006  Bodies of disappeared wood cutters discovered in Pannikankulam
09.05.2006  Japanese envoy meets Political Head
10.05.2006  Emergency Regulation, Violence against civilians, and peace talks
11.05.2006  SLA brutality of civilian assaults
11.05.2006  Tamil National leader sent condolence message to Furuhovde’s family
11.05.2006  LTTE Political Head protests SLMM partiality
12.05.2006  SLMM Head of Mission meets LTTE Political Head to discuss the sea incident
13.05.2006  Northeast fishermen, Sri Lankan Navy and Sea Tigers
14.05.2006  Sri Lankan Navy slaughters nine people from one home
14.05.2006  Sri Lankan Navy slaughter to cower down civilians
14.05.2006  Execution of 13 civilians, two of them children, by Sri Lankan Navy
15.05.2006  SLA activities on 14, 15 May
16.05.2006  “Tell the truth to the people & refrain from fabrications”
16.05.2006  Sri Lankan military moved forward to attack LTTE at two FDLs
16.05.2006  LTTE Press release on civilian killings by Sri Lankan Armed Forces (SLAFs)
17.05.2006  US Under Secretary, Donald Camp, on massacre of Tamils by Sri Lankan military
17.05.2006  Family of six attacked in Mesaalai Jaffna
18.05.2006  SLA attacks LTTE positions
18.05.2006  Religious leaders sit-in to highlight international silence on the massacres of Tamils
19.05.2006  Tamil National Alliance (TNA) candidate and associate shot dead in Amparai
19.05.2006  Allaipiddy people beg for their right to life
20.05.2006  SLA carries out non-stop shelling across FDLs into LTTE area
20.05.2006  Planning behind Allaipiddy massacre gradually revealed
21.05.2006  Displaced Allaipiddy people tell their story in Vanni
22.05.2006  Batticaloa deputy commander, Ramanan, killed by sniper
22.05.2006  Jaffna Civil society meets Norwegian Ambassador
22.05.2006  Did LTTE attack the three offices of aid organizations in Trincomalee?
23.05.2006  Ambassador Brattskar meets with LTTE Political Head
23.05.2006  No by-passing of Norway in any peace initiatives
25.05.2006  Civilian killings by SLAFs and paramilitary since the Allaipiddy massacre
25.05.2006  LTTE releases more under age youths
26.05.2006  SLA assisted paramilitary killed director of NEIAP
27.05.2006  GoSL operated paramilitary kill five more since NEIAP Director assassination
27.05.2006  The Sri Lankan State "truthful" media
27.05.2006  LTTE Political Head puts Tamil concerns to the special envoy
28.05.2006  What has happened during the CFA
28.05.2006  Two children killed in SLAFs claymore attack
28.05.2006  GoSL bans cement, iron rods, restricts fuel
29.05.2006  GoSL appoints military General to head civil administration
30.05.2006  Trincomalee Tamils displaced in Mannar
30.05.2006  The killing of 13 Sinhala workers in the east