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'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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Jaffna Tamil daily Uthayan’s Press Office attacked, two killed, by paramilitary

Armed paramilitaries entered the press office of the Jaffna Tamil daily Uthayan, on 2 May at 7.30 pm, and sprayed bullets at the staff. Gunmen were looking for particular staff members to attack. The attack and shooting continued for 15 minutes. At the end, the marketing manager, Suresh (35) and another employee Ranjith (24) were killed. Two seriously injured staff members, Uthayakumar and Thayaharan were taken to the Jafnna hospital.

The editorial staff whom the gunmen were searching to attack, in particular senior reporter Kuhanathan, were in the second story of the press office and thus escaped the attack.

Gunmen, however, did go to the second floor and opened fire at all equipment in the office and destroyed them.

Even after the gunmen escaped, no one dared to come to help the injured. Judge Srinithi Nanthasekaran was informed of the attack and the police came only after the Judge ordered the police to go to the scene. SLA was stationed in large numbers on KKS street, the street behind the Uthayan office during the attack and it neither attempted to stop the attack nor come to the aid of the injured after the attack.

The LTTE Political Division issued the following statement condemning the attack.

The attack on the Uthayan Press Office in Jaffna by the SLA and its paramilitaries is the continuation of the attacks on independent media carried out by this duo.

Mayilvaganam Nimalarajan, an independent journalist working in Jaffna was killed earlier by the EPDP paramilitary. These forces are unable to tolerate the truth being exposed.

Similar intolerance to independent media is the cause of the murders of journalist G Nadeson in Batticaloa, journalist Tharaki D Sivaram in Colombo, and journalist S Sugirtharaj in Trincomalee. Today, SLA and its paramilitary went to the Uthayan office looking for its editors and not finding them have shot and killed two staff members and injured three more.

SLA has made many attempts in the past to stop Uthayan paper from functioning. Uthayan office came under heavy aerial bombardments. It was sealed by SLA because it was brining out the atrocities of the SLA. Now, with the view to stop it from functioning, they have entered its office and murdered staff members and destroyed many of its equipment.

International organization aiming to protect journalists must come forward and condemn this attack and also apply pressure on GoSL to stop the repetition of such attacks in the future.

Such threats to Tamil media will not help in the making of peace or the creation of democracy in the island.

We strongly condemn the attack on the Uthayan Press Office by the SLA and its paramilitary.

We convey our deep condolence to the families of the Uthayan staff members who were brutally murdered.

Political Wing
Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam

03 May 2006

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