Traditions must change to protect right to life
On 2 October 1985, six SLA helicopters from the SLA camp in Mullaithivi landed in the village Piramanthanaru. Sixteen farmers aged from 17 to 33 were arbitrarily executed by the marauding SLA men. After the massacre, the Mullaitivu SLA camp General Alagama said,
“… we came and shot dead several LTTE carders and also blew up their garage.” On 4 May 2006, 20 minutes after a grenade attack on the SLA camp, seven men ranging in age from 17 to 22 on three-wheelers were executed by SLA men from the SLA camp in Nelliadi in Jaffna. GoSL said, “..the SLA shot and killed seven LTTE cadres” Member of Parliament for Jaffna, Sivanesan, who is from the same region as the seven men killed, has said that these are very poor men who work as labourers in the market helping cart sacks on their back. GoSL has adopted its tradition of claiming civilians as LTTE cadres in order to cover up the SLA tradition of taking revenge on Tamil civilians. When will the international media give up its tradition of quoting GoSL in these circumstances? Ideally international media should have reporters permanently stationed in Jaffna. But they must know that it is not possible, after BBC reporter, Nimalranjan, stationed in Jaffna was shot dead for reporting the truth. There are hundreds of similar claims made by the SLA after it killed the more than 100,000 Tamil civilians in the two decades of war.
06 May 2006