What has happened during the CFA
The graph shows the number of: Tamil civilians killed by GoSL operated forces; Sri Lankan armed forces killed by Tamil Resurgence groups; and LTTE members killed by GoSL operated forces during the CFA period. The data on Sri Lankan armed forces casualty was obtained from news reports and from a report published in the Sri Lankan army website.
 The graph shows that 70 civilians and 127 LTTE members were killed before Tamil people lost patience and began to attack Sri Lankan armed forces in Nov 2005 for the first time. Among these civilian killing are, 1. the Uthayan Press office killing on 2 May, the International Day for media freedom. Two employees were killed. The attackers were looking for the editors and outraged at not finding the editors destroyed everything in sight, and the killing of parliamentary leaders ChandrNehru, Joseph Pararajasingam, and Vigneswaran. Also among them are the candidates for local government elections, Senthilnathan from Vavuniya, Kamalaraj, Vilvarasa from Jaffna. The full report in PDF format can be obtained from:
28 May 2006