SLA assisted paramilitary killed director of NEIAP
On 26 May at 2.15 pm, the Director of NEIAP for Batticaloa, Mr Ratnam Ratnaraja, was shot and killed by SLA assisted paramilitary near his home in Kalviyankadu in Batticaloa.
Ratnaraja, aged 48, is an engineer from Batticaloa and he is father of two children. NEIAP (North East Irrigated Agricultural Projects) (http://www.neiap.org/) is a GoSL body funded by the World Bank. SLA blasts another claymore in LTTE area killing one On 24 May, an SLA planted claymore blast in Madhu area in the Mannar district, killed one and injured one. The victims were traveling in a tractor delivering food to LTTE positions. The blast occurred at 9.50 pm.
26 May 2006