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'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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Political head writes to SLMM about its 2nd May press release

Political Head, S P Tamilselvan, wrote to SLMM Head of Mission, Ulf Henricsson, clarifying the clarification of the SLMM in it’s press release of 2nd May about its observation regarding the involvement of Sri Lankan security forces in the extrajudicial killings of civilians in Northeast.

Full text of the letter:

2 May 2006

Major General Ulf Henricsson
Head of Mission

Dear Gen Ulf Henricsson

SUBJECT: SLMM clarification – regarding its press release from 29 April 2006

With respect to the clarification issued by the SLMM on May 02, LTTE still assumes that SLMM stands by the conclusions reached by them as per earlier statement: "We also fear that Government Security forces have, in the North and the East, been involved in extrajudicial killings of civilians. This conviction is based on our observation and inquiries on the ground.," and that the clarification only refers to the generalization of SLMM's conclusions.

However, we would like to bring it to your attention that the LTTE is disturbed by SLMM's willingnesss to issue statements after pressure applied from the GoSL, giving way to different interpretations by media, affecting the confidence of Tamils on the SLMM.

We want to bring to your notice that, as we write this letter, many more civilians are being killed in the Northeast. This includes the attack on the press office of the well respected, leading, Jaffna Tamil daily, Uthayan, and the killing of two senior staff.

LTTE is aware that your conviction stated on 29 April, was arrived at after visiting several (more than hundred) crime scenes of extrajudicial killings where Sri Lankan security forces were involved. You were able to talk to victims' families and eyewitnesses.

We, therefore, call upon you to continue to be truthful in your judgments and statements, and refrain from allowing room for different interpretations of the clarifications. it will save lives.

Yours truly,

Head of Political Division,
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

03 May 2006

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