Two children killed in SLAFs claymore attack
The deep penetration unit (DPU) of the Sri Lankan armed forces (SLAFs) killed Kanapathy Balu (12) and Vinayagamoorthy Nanthan (15) in a claymore attack on a tractor in the LTTE area of Thikiliveddai, Batticaloa on Saturday, 27 May around 3:40 pm.
The tractor carrying civilians hit the SLAFs planted claymore, instantly killing the two children and seriously wounding Thambiappah Mohan, Vinayagamoorthy Suthaharan and Rasaiah Tharan. The three wounded men were rushed to the medical division of the LTTE and then transferred to Chenkalady Hospital. Hindu priest missing in Jaffna V Sharma (50), a Hindu priest in Kaithady, Jaffna, is reported missing. He was last seen riding on his motorbike as he was returning from a temple service on Friday, 26 May at 6:30 pm. Details of Chandran’s murder on 23 may Chandran, a fish vendor from the LTTE area of Pallikuddiyrippu, crossed the GoSL checkpoint to go to Thoppur to sell fish. This is his usual routine. He takes the fish in a box on his bicycle carrier. He did not return home as usual on that day. His wife went to investigate at the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) checkpoint. She found her husband’s bicycle, with the fish box, was parked there. She asked the SLA soldiers what happened to her husband and the SLA soldiers replied that he tried to throw a grenade at the checkpoint so they shot him and put his body in the paddy field nearby. She asked why her husband would park his bicycle near the checkpoint. At this point the SLA soldiers became aggressive and chased her away. His wife eventually went to the ICRC and with their assistance recovered her husband’s body in the paddy field near the checkpoint. Details of Sathiyanathan’s murder on 21 May Frightened people in the GoSL controlled area of LB3 village, were displaced to a school. On 21 May, Kanthaiya Sathiyanathan (17) was taking two of his sister’s small children along the road towards the school to which they were also displaced. On that day there was a claymore attack on a SLA post some where else in Trincomalee. Sathiyanathan was shot in his leg by SLA soldiers as he walked. Wounded Sathiyanathan dragged himself to the school where they were displaced. Fifteen minutes later the SLA followed him to the school, dragged him out and shot him dead in front of all the displaced families at the school.
28 May 2006