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CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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SLA activities on 14, 15 May

Two civilians missing in Puthoor, Jaffna – blood found in their shops

Thiyakarajah Kirupaharan (27) and Jeyaratnam Jeyakanthan (25), owners of a grocery shop and restaurant in Puthoor, Jaffna, have been missing after residents heard gunshots and movement of vehicles around 8.30pm on Sunday, 14 May. Traces of blood and small pieces of flesh were found in their shop and restaurant. Residents fear that the Sri Lankan armed forces and its paramilitary groups have been involved in this incident, following a similar abduction and killing pattern that has terrorized Jaffna recently.

Kirupaharan and Jeyakanthan, who are related, run their businesses in Navakkiri village of Puthoor which is located near a tourist site of the Nilavarai Well. Residents stated the men were known to have been a part of demonstrations in objection to the SLA camp in Puthoor.

Nearly one month ago, five Puthoor residents were shot dead by the Sri Lankan armed forces and their bodies were left in an area close to an SLA camp.

Last week, eight Hindu temple workers went missing after residents heard gunshots, vehicle movement and found traces of blood in the temple where the men were sleeping.

Yesterday, 13 civilians were shot and killed in their homes by the Sri Lankan Navy in an islet off Jaffna.

Two civilians attacked by SLA claymore in LTTE region of Vavuniya

Kanthasamy Sara and Panchalingam Thayapara were seriously wounded in a claymore attack in Semamadu, Vavuniya (an LTTE controlled region) on Monday, 15 May around 9.30am. The two men were riding in a tractor when the claymore exploded, inflicting both with serious wounds.

15 May 2006

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