SLA activities in the Northeast:
SLA declares curfew in Jaffna in order to hide the bodies of eight civilians slain by SLA
Eight temple devotees were shot and abducted by SLA at midnight on 6 May from Kelathu Amman temple in Chavakachcheri. On 7 May, people suspecting that the bodies of the eight men were thrown in the Kandal forest area were barred from reaching there by a curfew declared by SLA. SLA is also telling over loudspeakers to the people in the area not to come out of their houses.
A continuous SLA announcement over radio said that the curfew will be in force from midnight 7 May until 4.00 pm on 8 May. In the meantime, the border checkpoints at Muhamalai (entry/exit to Jaffna) and Omanthai (entry/exit to Vanni) have both been closed by SLA. Young man shot and killed by paramilitary On 7 May around 5.30 pm, a young man from Thirunelveli, yet to be identified, was shot dead on Palaly road near Thirunelveli in Jaffna while he was traveling in his motorbike. SLA continues to shell Vavunathivu in Batticaloa SLA shelled the LTTE area of Vavunathivu in Batticaloa on 7 May from 6.00 am for 30 minutes. People were forced to displace from the area yet again. SLA steals jewels from home at gunpoint On April 18, five friends on a three-wheeler was shot and killed by SLA in Puthur. On 7 May night SLA men entered the homes of three successful businessman near the 10th Mile Post in Puthur and demanded all the jewels from the home at gunpoint. As the SLA left with the jewels it warned the residents not to tell anyone about the incident. They threatened that the same fate of the five young men killed on 18 April will befall them if they tell any one about the incident. Sri Lankan Navy bans fishermen using the fishing harbour in Kurunagar Sri Lankan Navy banned fishermen of Krunagar from using their harbour to go fishing since Friday 5 May. SLA cordon and search in Jaffna On 7 May at noon, parts of Jaffna town near the Nallur temple was cordoned and searched by more than 100 SLA men. People were forced to stay under mid day sun for several hours while SLA conducted its search. SLA motorbike parade strikes fear in Mannar Large number of SLA men on motorbikes with black cloth covering their faces paraded at high speed through Mannar town causing panic among the people.
08 May 2006