Batticaloa deputy commander, Ramanan, killed by sniper
Batticaloa deputy commander, Ramanan was killed by sniper fire at 5.30 pm on Sunday 21 May. He was examining the Forward Defense Lines (FDLs) at Vavunathivu, when he was hit by the sniper.
GoSL FDL is situated only 300 metres from the LTTE FDL at Vavunathivu. Raman, a senior LTTE commander was killed during the four years of the CFA period by the SLA that directly targeted him. LTTE has lodged several complaints to the SLMM about the attacks from this SLA camp with ample evidence. Yet, no constructive action was taken. Ramanan’s death is a huge loss to the Batticaloa Tamil people and the LTTE. LTTE considers this attack is intended to end all efforts towards peace and drag the LTTE into a major war.
22 May 2006