SLA activities in Tamil homeland on 26 April 2006
SLA closed borders into LTTE areasSLA closed entrances into LTTE areas from the rest of Northeast without warning on 25 April and 26 April. Civilians were subjected to immense difficulties as a result of this sudden closure.
Critically ill patients could be transported to hospitals. Many workers including school teachers who regularly travel to work through these entrances were not able to report to work. Many schools could not function due to this. SLA attacks inside International Student Union building, seriously injuring one SLA in large numbers (more than 25) rounded up the international student’s union building and the office of the TNA parliamentarian at Parameshawara junction in Jaffna. SLA entered both offices and attacked those inside. One student inside the international student’s union building was seriously injured and was admitted to hospital. SLA-Paramilitary murder in Vavuniya Paramilitary arriving in a white-van inside the high security zone near Omanthai in Vavuniya shot and killed Subramanium Raveenthiran (36). The incident occurred at 9.30 pm on 26 April. SLA-Paramilitary murder two civilians in Jaffna Two men on motorbikes shot and killed Rasaih Rajmohan near the Thenmaradci market on 26 April at 12.30 pm. The gunmen escaped in their motorbike. On 26 April, at 11.30 pm at night gunmen entered the home of Balasingam Paththinathan (29) in Urumpirai in Jaffna and shot him dead.
27 April 2006