GoSL forces bomb civilian boatyard and claims it bombed Sea Tiger base
On 18 August, Sri Lankan Kfir bombers bombed a civilian boatyard in Nelliyan, less than 10 Kms from the Nagarkovil Sri Lankan military camp, along the east coast of Jaffna, an area under LTTE control (see map).
 The boatyard was built as a rehabilitation project for the fishing community that was devastated by the Boxing day tsunami. The boatyard project was funded directly by the Norwegian government under the supervision of the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO). The boatyard is registered as a company named Multi Marine Service (MMS) with the GoSL. The management of the boatyard is under the Fishermen Society Cooperative Union for Vadamaradchi East. 
The fishing community along the east coast of Jaffna was badly affected by the tsunami. 2640 people, 926 of them fishermen died in the tsunami; 7000 homes were fully or partially damaged of which 3500 belonged to fishermen; 1636 fishing vessels were destroyed or damaged (source: Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources). At the MMS boatyard destroyed by the Kfri bombers on 18 August, 20 women who lost their breadwinners to the tsunami were working. They are now displaced after the bombing. Four boat moulds were burnt. Two employees were injured. It is this civilian boatyard for the tsunami affected community that the GoSL forces bombed and destroyed and are now claiming that it is a Sea Tiger base.
20 August 2006