Catholic Priests and civilians are charged for organizing post card campaign
Six civilians including two Catholic priests were arrested by the Sri Lankan military for organizing a post card campaign under the sponsorship of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Jaffna Catholic Church to draw the attention of the UN General Secretary Kofi Annan to the atrocities of the Sri Lankan military in Jaffna.
A case was brought against the six arrested people in the Jaffna district courts by the police for discrediting the Sri Lankan government and its military. The Justice and Peace Commission post card campaign was to send 5000 post cards to UN General Secretary General regarding the situation in Jaffna. These post cards explained the consequences of the closure of A-9 highway the only land route to Jaffna and the human rights violations by the Sri Lankan military that include killings and abductions. Last Friday morning around 11.00 am, a young girl has shown this post card to her friend
both of whom were on their way home. The Sri Lankan military at Swamiyar Road in Colombagam in Jaffna detained both girls. On hearing this, Rev. Frs. F.X. Jejasegaram and J.J. Bernard rushed to the spot, explained to the military about this post card campaign, and took the responsibility for this non-violent campaign. The Sri Lankan military permitted all of them to go home. However, later the military went to residence of the two priests and four other persons and asked them to come to the military camp for an inquiry. When the six people went to the camp and they were interrogated and were later handed over to the Jaffna police. They were kept at the police station and were produced before the magistrate who released them on personal bail and ordered them to appear in the court on 29.11.2006. This is the right to peaceful protest that Tamil people have in the occupied parts of the Tamil homeland.
30 November 2006